Signing up for Ruul

Signing up for Ruul as a business is a 2 step process that includes account creation and email verification that can be completed in under a minute. 

Create Account

To create your Business account, enter your first name, last name, your business email, then select a strong password, and click "Create Account"

Create Business Account

You can also use your Google or Linkedin account credentials to create your account.

Business Login

Accounts created with Google or Linkedin are advised to create a password once they have access to the Ruul dashboard. 

It's important to note that registration as a business account requires a company email address. Sign-ups using free email services (e.g., Google, Hotmail) are not permitted.

Email Verification

After creating your account, you’ll receive an email to verify your email address.

Verification Email Sample

Click "Activate Account" button to verify your email address and continue to the next step. 

Account Verification

If you didn’t receive an email please check your spam/junk folder and make sure your inbox can receive emails first. Still can’t find it? Click "Resend verification e-mail" and a new verification link will be emailed to you.