Verifying your ID (KYC)


The KYC (Know Your Customer) process is a standard verification procedure adopted by many financial institutions and online platforms, including Ruul. It aims to validate the identity of users, ensuring secure transactions and adherence to global financial regulations.

For KYC verification on Ruul, prepare an identification document with a visible ID number (e.g., passport, driver's license, or government-issued ID), navigate to your Dashboard, and select the "Verify Now" button.

Ruul Freelancer Dashboard

Indicate the issuing country of your document and specify its type.

Ruul Kyc Step One

If using a mobile device, opt for "Continue on Phone".

Grant browser permissions to access your camera and microphone if prompted. Ensure you capture clear images of both the front and back of your ID.

Ruul Kyc Step Two

Perform the requested gesture to further confirm your identity. Successful verification typically concludes within minutes.

Ruul Kyc Step Three

Upon completing all steps, your identity status will update to verified.

Ruul Kyc Final Step